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School Council: A Voice for Everyone

Friday 25 September 2020

On Friday this week, the Queenswood School Council met for their inaugural meeting of the academic year, and for the first time ever at Q, as a virtual assembly.

Overseen by Mrs Mackay, Deputy Head of Pupils, the council is led by Lara, our newly appointed School Council Prefect. Supporting Lara and representing the whole pupil body, are this year’s Heads of Houses, Efa (Hartley), Grace (Waller), Jasmine (North) and Peace (South).

Introducing herself, Lara says:

“To parents and girls, I'm Lara and I am so excited to have been elected to the new School Council Prefect Team this year. I am a day girl in Hartley Upper Sixth and some of you may recognise me from being Deputy-Head of House last year. As School Council Prefect I look forward to sharing your experiences, concerns and ideas, all conveyed at our meetings by your House Representatives. Collectively, we will strive to find solutions to any issues raised. As a Prefect, I hope to represent the student voice and also to be another friendly supportive face for the girls.”

Lara emphasises that the Council is an effective way to give all girls an opportunity to voice their opinions and have their views taken into account when decisions which impact students are made. Furthermore, she continues:

“During the current challenges of Covid-19, School Council is a great place where girls are able to voice their thoughts on schooling during lockdown and on how they are coping with the necessary, new changes within school itself. The Q community will listen, support & respond to all points raised at School Council.”

A key agenda item for the Council this term is the girls’ well-being and whilst the current restrictions limit physical contact, Lara is keen for the Council to remain a personal ear that listens to all the girls concerns and ideas, finding new ways to implement cross-year group support.

Although only the first meeting, this virtual assembly proved to be not only full of enthusiasm for the term ahead but also full of creative ideas and an eagerness to make decisive and positive contributions to School life. By giving the girls this incredible sense of membership and an experience to effect positive change, Lara and her team are admirable role-models to the younger cohorts. Our girls definitely proved that not only are they good citizens but also policy-makers in training!