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Science Week Activities

Friday 15 March 2024


This week is British Science Week; the theme this year is ‘time’. While we like to think that every week is Science Week here at Queenswood, nonetheless we have arranged a number of special events and activities to mark the occasion.

An assembly led by Mr Windsor (Head of Design and Technology) on problem solving, belief, fear of failure, thinking outside of the box – and pushing a straw through a potato.

British Science Week Poster competition:
Students are encouraged to look at the Science notice board near the water cooler for information and ideas. Please send all entries to me and also submit you entry online (information is on the display in Science). We will announce a Science winner in the school, and have our fingers crossed for all our students in Years 7 to 9 who submit their entries online too. Winning entries in school will be displayed.

Year 9 are interviewing zoologists this week in their science lessons. Hosted by ZSL, Sam Ginger and Rob Deaville (above), two specialists in their field, have kindly given up some of their time to be interviewed by Queenswood pupils via Microsoft Teams on their career, highlights, aims and aspirations. 

And for those interested in further knowledge we can highly recommend this lecture being held by the Royal Institution.