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Skills For Life: Leadership Training for Senior Prefects

Thursday 12 September 2024

The new Senior Prefect Team enjoyed a morning of Leadership Training on Thursday 12 September, courtesy of Chloe Mills of the Life Skills Company.

In the opening session, they learned about the importance of making a good first impression, with tips on posture, eye contact, handshake etiquette and more.

The second session focused on identifying and understanding personality types, using the DISC Human Behavioural Model. They reflected on where they would place themselves on the dominant/inspiring/supportive/cautious spectrum, and learned how these qualities can complement each other.

The final session was dedicated to presentational skills, including tips for confident public speaking.

In the afternoon, they conducted some safeguarding and pastoral training with Mrs Stokes, Deputy Head Pastoral, during which time they considered how to be empathetic listeners, and how to refer any concerns to staff.

All in all, the Leadership Training Day was an invaluable experience, and will stand the team in good stead as they embark on their new roles.


“We were given valuable insights and strategies to enhance our leadership skills. We learnt some interesting facts like how it only takes 8 seconds for you to create a first impression on somebody and that 70% of this first impression is non-verbal – which includes things like eye contact, smile, posture and your handshake. Overall the day was very fun and intuitive; myself and the prefects enjoyed it very much.”

– Lisa O, Head Girl