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Spanish Cultural Week

Thursday 11 July 2013

Katie Hammond (Year 8) writes:

On Monday 24 June we were in for a treat as we headed to G1 after chapel to find out about our exciting week from Señora Law. We got our booklets and started to learn the past tense, something the Spanish Department always teach during Culture Week. After fun activities practising that, we headed to a History of Art lesson with Dr Bird. The painting we “read” was ‘Las Meninas’ by Velázquez. It was very interesting and we found lots of unusual things in the picture. We then looked at other interpretations of the painting, and made up our own. After lunch we watched Spanish ‘Extr@’ online, to try and learn some new vocabulary.

 To start day two of our exciting Spanish journey, we made fans with Senora Archer. We also learn how to speak in ‘fan talk’. Spanish ladies used ‘fan talk’ because they weren’t allowed to talk to men. We then went to drama with Senor Kelley and acted out the river scene in ‘Yerma’ where the women are washing their clothes. We were then really excited, as Illusion Flamenca came in and taught us how to dance Flamenco! We learn a really good routine and performed it to our teachers. The professionals also told us about how they trained, and it sounded really hard. That afternoon, we watched a Spanish movie called ‘The Orphanage’. It was really scary in some places and we ate some Spanish-themed food to top off the amazing day we had already had.