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Speech Day 2019

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Left to right: Mr Ed Sautter, Chair of Governors; Sahar Hashemi OBE, Principal Jo Cameron, Head Girl Jasmine Steyne

We marked the end of another highly successful academic year on Saturday 6 July, with a Speech Day ceremony that was held for the first time in the magnificent Queenswood Hall.

Our guest of honour was Sahar Hashemi OBE, founder of Coffee Republic and one of the UK's most highly respected and influential businesswomen. Her words of advice and encouragement will have been an inspiration to so many budding entrepreneurs in the audience.

Outgoing Head Girl Jasmine Steyne gave an extremely witty and heartwarming speech ruminating on her seven years at Q, while Mrs Cameron's speech extolled the Queenswood Qualities and reflected on a year of positive changes for the school.

The campus was open to visitors before the ceremony, with displays of art, product design and dance, and a full programme of musical numbers on Read Court.

You can view official photographs by clicking here (use the password qspeechday2019), while a video of the ceremony is available to watch below.