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Spotlight on Science

Tuesday 8 November 2016

In the first of a regular series of profiles of academic departments at Queenswood, we are taking a look at the work of our thriving Science department. In this section:


Trips, visits and activities

Not content with classroom-based learning, the department is very keen to move beyond the boundaries of our walls! The Biology department runs extremely successful field trips to Epping Forest every year, which are thoroughly enjoyed by the girls. Physics also visit the observatory at the Bayford campus of the University of Hertfordshire.

In 2014, Sixth Form scientists travelled to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, where they had the opportunity to observe the Large Hadron Collider up close.

Each week during Enrichment Week, we take all of Year 7 to ZSL Whipsnade to participate in an education programme on Ecology and the environment.

We are currently planning a Year 9 trip to Thorpe Park to study the Physics of rollercoasters, which should prove to be exciting and educational in equal measure!

We also like to bring the outside world to us…including, both last year and this, the wonderful visit by ‘Zoolab’ who bring snakes, spiders and other exciting wildlife for us to touch, handle and learn about.

We are keen to bring in outside speakers, which this year have included two visiting researchers from Denmark and the USA to talk about careers in academia, and a GP who discusses careers in medicine. In 2015-16, we were privileged to welcome two of the UK’s leading science broadcasters, Professor Lord Robert Winston and Professor Brian Cox.

Each year, Year 10 attend Science Live in London, where they have chance to listen to some of the science community’s best speakers (Jim Al-Khalili, Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Prof Alice Roberts – the list goes on!) talk about cutting edge developments in science and technology.

We are always looking for new ideas and events to add to our exciting programme, so if something catches your eye, please do let us know!



Clubs and Societies

Busy as they are with teaching a subject about which they are all passionate (and yes, it has to be said, bordering on the nerdy at times…we are proud to be scientists!), many members of the department give up their time to get involved in co-curricular activities.

Ian Richardson and James Ferguson run a weekly group for girls who are interested in professions allied to medicine (PAM). The PAM group discusses recent developments in science, advises on university applications, and encourages girls to read and study beyond the curriculum to develop their interests, knowledge and enthusiasm.

Nicola Grant-Stevenson has set up what is already a very successful allotment club, where girls have planted lettuces, leeks and flowering bulbs and baskets, after a busy first term digging, hoeing and generally helping to restore the kitchen garden to something resembling its former glory. Nicola and her husband are also involved with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, accompanying expeditions and helping with planning and distribution of equipment.

Ian Sheldon and Ian Richardson are both qualified assessors for DoE, and give up a lot of their time to help the girls with this worthwhile activity, and Nicholas Courtman’s navigational skills on water have proved to be a great help with map reading on land as he also accompanies expeditions. Nicholas also runs a very successful and popular computer coding club, along with James Earle, Head of Computer Science.

All science staff participate in a rota to take the weekly science club for lower school students. This is where the real fun happens! Recent experiments have included making edible LEGO, and a project to make and research perfumes.

We are also involved with Green Q, as Nicola runs the Eco-Warriors group and we are currently helping with their projects to build an outdoor classroom and to install a bird box with a live-feed camera. 


Results and Destinations

The department is very proud of its strong examination results both at GCSE and A-Level, and students go on to a range of undergraduate Science courses at some of the UK’s leading institutions. Destinations in recent years have included:

  • Biochemistry at University College London
  • Biomedical Materials Science at Nottingham University
  • Engineering at Warwick University
  • Chemical Engineering at Girton College, Cambridge
  • Microbiology/Virology at Warwick University
  • Chemistry at Southampton University
  • Chemistry at Warwick University
  • Medical Sciences at Leeds University
  • Veterinary Medicine at the Royal Veterinary College
  • Materials Science and Engineering at Imperial College London
  • Medicine at Nottingham University
  • Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry at Imperial College London
  • Pharmacy at University College London

Many OQs progress to distinguished scientific careers – in medicine, epidemiology, cardiology, obstetrics and gynaecology to name a few. Dame Alison Richard OQ, former Vice Chancellor of Cambridge, is one of the world’s most eminent anthropologists.

At GCSE, our overall pass rate and the number of A*–B grades are both well above the national average. However, we don’t rest on our laurels, and offer a weekly clinic in the winter term for those girls who wish to push themselves even further to achieve a better grade.

We are pleased to have either two or three Biology A-Level groups each year with up to 10 students in each. Girls with both Double and Triple Award Science at GCSE take up Biology A-Level, including those following an all Science education and those who are studying Biology as their only science, simply because they love it. The girls, through excellent teaching and resources and careful planning, often achieve outstanding results. All our students in 2016 achieved A*, A or B grades. The department is very proud of the outstanding effort the girls make and their achievements and continually strive to make their experience of A-Level Biology a positive one. In Chemistry, our A-Level results compare very favourably, with 83.3% of our cohort achieving good pass A*–C grades and entering the university course of their choice, well above the national average of 77%. Our overall pass rate is also above the national average. Physics results are equally pleasing, and this year’s cohort are on track to exceed even our usual high standards.

In the Sixth Form, girls know that they can (and do) approach any member of staff at any time for help – our doors are always open and we pride ourselves that girls make full use of this approachability.

Science numbers are growing at Q, with 50% more girls studying Chemistry this year compared to last, and similar increases in Physics. Biology has always been the more ‘popular’ science, but the physical sciences are catching up fast, with more girls going on to study pharmacy, engineering, forensic science etc. then ever before. We are proud to be educating the new generation of scientists!


Staff profiles

Science is headed by Nicola Grant-Stevenson (who is also Head of Chemistry). Nicola joined us in 2015 from Methodist College in Belfast, where she was Head of Year 7 in this prestigious Northern Ireland grammar school. Nicola has been teaching for 16 years, before which she was an industrial chemist with a BSc Hons in Applied Chemistry from Nottingham. Nicola is currently studying for a doctorate in education which keeps her busy, but in her spare time she enjoys walking and cycling, including on the family tandem! In 2008, Nicola was the NI runner-up with distinction in the National Teaching Awards, for her work on setting up a learning support programme in her school.

The Chemistry department is complemented by James Ferguson and Ian Sheldon. James studied Pharmacy at King’s College London, and then worked as a Pharmacist at Barts Health NHS Trust for four years after leaving university before training as a teacher. He enjoys playing cricket (in his words, “badly”) for his local club and generally following sports.

Ian Sheldon joined the school in 2012 and as well as a chemist, he is Deputy Head Academic. He studied Chemistry at Oxford University and has a particular interest in Physical Chemistry. Having trained for a PGCE at Cambridge University, he has worked at Haileybury and Bedford School, where he was Head of Chemistry for eight years before coming to Q. He is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and likes to keep on top of developments in the subject through this.

The Head of Physics is Emily Grover. With a BSc Hons in GeoPhysics from Leicester University, she also holds a PCGE and higher certificates in Mathematics and Astronomy and Graphic Design and Illustration. Before completing her PGCE, Emily worked for the Environment Agency. Outside work she is captain for Hertfordshire Roller Derby team. Emily has been teaching for 15 years, nine of which have been at Q.

Nicholas Courtman is our other Physics specialist. He attended university in York and gained an MPhys; specialising in renewable energy with particular attention to Solar Power. Before entering teaching, he previously worked as an Optical Coatings Technician. He has recently gained the Day Skipper qualification in yacht sailing, and has interests in Music and Computer Science.

The joint Head of Biology is Ann Thompson. With a BSC Hons Biological Sciences (Microbiology) from Birmingham University and a PGCE in Science/Biology from the Institute of Education, Ann has been teaching since 1987 in both selective and non selective, state and private schools including Latymer School, Enfield. Ann is a keen dress maker and voracious reader, and enjoys walking and yoga to keep fit!

Jane Mathew shares the role of Head of Biology with Ann. Jane has a BSc Hons from the University of Surrey in Biology and Chemistry and a PGCE in Physics and Biology. Jane has been teaching for nearly 30 years, mostly in the state sector, and was Head of Biology at Dame Alice Owens school before joining Q. She has interests in walking, sewing and knitting and is also an examiner for AQA.

Ian Richardson is another of our multi-skilled Biologists. Ian received a Bachelor of Science degree in Genetics from Leeds University in 1980, and then had various research jobs in Leeds and Cambridge as a Geneticist and Immunologist. He trained to be a teacher at Cambridge University, graduating with a PGCE in 1989. He claims the highlight of his career as taking part in the first Fuchs Foundation Expedition to Antarctica, as a member of a four-teacher team, in late 2007 (The Austral summer), the aim being to conduct research and report back to schools. Ian has given a number of talks and lectures to school and adult groups about this expedition, including here at Queenswood.

The most recent teaching addition to the Science department is Principal, Jo Cameron. Jo has a degree in Environmental Science from Surrey University. After a broad first year studying environmental Law, Geophysics and environmental Chemistry, her final year dissertation was centred round the ecological management of Ashdown Forest and her final paper was then used by the Forestry Commission to inform the management of the forest over the next 10 years. She went straight into her PGCE with her specialist subject being Biology.

Teresa January is currently fulfilling a maternity cover post in Biology and Chemistry here at Q. She started teaching in 1978 and has worked in several state schools in Barnet, Enfield and Hertfordshire. Before taking up the post here, Teresa was Head of Prep Science at St. Columba’s College, St Albans, having also worked in the Senior School science department. Her hobbies are yoga, running, skiing and astronomy!

The department could not function without our wonderful technicians! Senior technician, Sue Sapsed-Byrne, worked in anaesthesiology research at the Royal Post Graduate Medical School , Hammersmith Hospital, as well as other science posts including the Royal Veterinary College, before becoming a school science technician. Jane Miller-Yianni has had a variety of fascinating jobs including answering 999 emergency calls, before becoming senior technician at Chancellors School prior to joining Q in 2015. Steven Tiramani is our most recent addition, supporting Physics.