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Spotlight on Senior Prefects: Introducing Gemma E, Stamp Prefect and Melisa A, International Prefect

Friday 6 October 2023

Interview with Gemma E, Stamp Prefect and Melisa A, International Prefect


Please can you explain your prefect role?

My role as Stamp Prefect is to support the Year 7s and 8s as they begin their journeys at Q. I will be working alongside the Stamp staff to make Stamp the best it can be and an enjoyable experience for everyone.

I am here as a friendly face to the Lower School, as someone who they can talk to and as someone who is a voice to represent them. I am more than happy to help with advice, homework or simply to have a chat! As well as spending time in Stamp, I regularly meet with the two student Stamp ambassadors who make sure to keep me updated on anything I have missed!

My role as the International Prefect is to make sure that all international students are supported in every aspect of school life. I encourage the student body to embrace all the different cultures at Q, to appreciate them and to learn more about each other.

Could you tell us about your A Level choices?

I am taking Business, Psychology and French. As I am going to study Business Management, these will all be beneficial for my future education as well as work. Psychology is a critical component in Business, and French will be helpful regarding communication.

I take Maths, Biology and Chemistry as I enjoy them and they challenge me to work the hardest I can. Maths is strenuous and requires a lot of consistency and resilience to succeed. I enjoy doing practicals in Biology and Chemistry because they extend my knowledge and are interesting.

What do you aim to do after your time at Q?

After Q I intend to go to university to study Business Management. In the future I would like to start a business of my own.

I plan to go to university in the UK and I’d like to work either back home in Turkey or in London.

What's one of your best moments so far in Sixth Form?

It has to be the Sixth Form and Year 7 lunch. It was so lovely to see the oldest and youngest pupils at Q get together for a good chat! Since then I have been told by many Sixth Form students that they are regularly speaking to their 'Year 7 sisters'.

The biology field trip with my friends and teachers helped me gain many new skills that I need for my studies and it was a lot of fun!