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Success for Queenswood Mathematicians in UKMT Challenge and Olympiad

Friday 10 November 2023

Before half term, Queenswood pupils in Years 12 and 13 took part in the UK Mathematics Trust Senior Maths Challenge. This most prestigious competition is designed to promote mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills and attracts the UK's top young mathematicians. 

We are delighted to announce the following results for this year's Senior Maths Challenge:

Lizzie J - Gold
Cici C - Silver
Fiona F - Silver

In addition, both Lizzie and Cici received Merit certificates for their participation in the UKMT Maths Olympiad, which serves as a platform to identify and nurture exceptional mathematical talent. We send our warmest congratulations to Lizzie, Cici and Fiona on their tremendous achievement.

Here are some sample questions from the Maths Challenge and the Olympiad to try at home!

Senior Maths Challenge Questions

Maths Olympiad Questions