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Superb Maths results for Queenswood’s A Level pupils

Thursday 16 August 2018

Queenswood A-Level Results 2018

Pupils, parents and teachers were celebrating another strong set of A Level results at Queenswood this morning. Over 20% of girls achieved at least three A*-A grades and 64.1% of girls achieved A*-B grades across all 21 A Level subjects. The star subject for the Class of 2018 was definitely Mathematics where 100% achieved A*-B in Further Maths and 82% achieved A*-B in Maths.

Girls are looking forward to beginning a new chapter in their lives at top universities in the UK and across the world. Courses to be studied include Economics (Cambridge), Maths (UCL and Kings), Philosophy (Durham), Chemical Engineering (Loughborough), Veterinary Science (Bristol) and Music (the Royal Academy of Music).

Commenting on the results, Principal, Jo Cameron said “I am thrilled for the girls. They have worked so hard and deserve these excellent results. They are focussed and understand the importance of balancing study time with other interests. I hope that they will take this philosophy with them as they move on to new and exciting futures at university and beyond. I am very proud of them and our wonderful team of teachers and pastoral staff.”