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The Power of Five Minutes: Mr Sheldon’s Assembly Talk

Friday 15 March 2024


I want to talk to you about a seemingly small but profoundly impactful concept: the power of using just five minutes.  In a world where time often feels scarce and demands never-ending, five minutes might seem inconsequential.  But those five minutes can make all the difference in the world.

Time is the most precious resource we have.  It's non-renewable, irreversible, and utterly invaluable. Each tick of the clock is a moment that passes us by, never to return - and nobody knows how many ticks they will be granted.  In this fast-paced world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, to believe that we never have enough time to accomplish our goals or make meaningful changes.  What if we try to reframe that: what can you achieve in five minutes, and what could that lead to?

In just five minutes, you can send a heartfelt message to a loved one, expressing your appreciation and love.  You can take a few deep breaths, centring yourself and reducing stress.  You could learn a couple of facts in a subject.  You can read a few pages of a book, expanding your knowledge and perspective.  You can jot down your thoughts in a journal, clarifying your emotions and goals.  You can even take a quick walk, refreshing your body and mind.

Now, let's extend this idea beyond the individual level.  Imagine if every person here committed to using just five minutes each day to make a positive impact.  Five minutes to volunteer at a local charity.  Five minutes to pick up litter in your neighbourhood, or at school.  Five minutes to help a friend with their work, or to lend a listening ear to them when they need it.  Five minutes might not seem like much, but when multiplied by the power of collective action, it becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Furthermore, the power of five minutes extends to personal growth and development.  We often put off our aspirations because they seem daunting or time-consuming.  But what if we approached them one step at a time, dedicating just five minutes each day to work towards our dreams?  Whether it's learning a new language, mastering a musical instrument, or honing a skill, consistent effort, even in small increments, can yield remarkable results over time.

In essence, the power of using five minutes lies in its accessibility, its simplicity, and its potential for multiplied impact.  It's a reminder that change doesn't always require grand gestures or Herculean efforts. Sometimes, all it takes is a few moments of focused intention and action.

Because none of us know how much time we have been granted, we ought to make sure that we aren't wasting any of it.  The past has gone, the future is yet to be, but today is a gift: that's why it's called the present.  So, as you go about your day, I urge you to embrace the power of using each five minutes.  Use it to connect with others, to contribute to our community, and to pursue your passions.  Or just walk faster...