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Last term in Chapel: How to be a good upstander

Thursday 20 April 2023

Our Chapel services last term encouraged the students to reflect on how they may behave as bystanders and how to be a good upstander. Mrs Stokes, Deputy Head Pastoral, talked about using the 4 Ds when dealing with a situation - distracting the person, using direct action, delaying and delegating.

Over the course of the term, we continued with this theme, learning about the parable of the good Samaritan, Rev'd Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Sappho of Lesbos, Oskar Schindler and the Diana Award.

Miss Bassett, Head of Year 8 wrote a poem to help us all to remember how important it is that we are good upstanders.

My Voice

My voice is important, my voice belongs to me,
I can use it to help; it costs nothing, it’s free.
My voice can make a difference, it’s important to speak out,
I can use it in situations that I feel passionate about.

My voice is extremely powerful, I can use it to upstand,
To see if you are okay, or a way to lend a hand.
Using my voice might enable a friend or stranger to smile,
So they know someone is there for them, even if for a short while.

My voice is a tool I own, unique only to me,
If we all used our voice for good, how great the world would be.
So I invite you to use yours, to stand up for what is right,
You never know, in someone’s darkness, you might be their only light.