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This Week in Chapel: A New Year and Time for a New Start

Friday 12 January 2024

Last week, in the first Whole School Assembly of the new term, the Chaplain read a poem, ‘The Work of Christmas’ (Howard Thurman) which, the Chaplain explained, invites us to begin the work of Jesus as stated in Mark’s Gospel: to love God and love each other. Responding to Mrs Cameron, who had spoken about the new Queenswood Ethos Statement through which we are to challenge each other to learn, live and work together in kindness, honesty, integrity and accountability, the Chaplain explained that the new Queenswood Ethos Statement sets out how the Q community defines, recognises and measures the love of which God speaks in Mark’s Gospel: we love God and love each other by being kind and honest and by acting with integrity and accountability.

In conclusion, the Chaplain invited the Q community to begin the work of Jesus by learning, living and working together in accordance with both our new Queenswood Ethos Statement and God’s commandment and in so doing to love God and love each other.

This week in Assembly, Mrs Cameron reminded us that the ethos of our school is comprised of our ‘core values, attitudes, beliefs and culture of the school and classroom’ which includes school ‘connectedness’ and a feeling of being accepted, respected and bonded to the school environment. Mrs Cameron reminded us of the eight school aims and with the help of the Sixth Form prefects elaborated on each of these which are to:

  1. Offer a significant number and wide range of subjects that lead to incredible results at GCSE and A Level.
  2. Provide a diverse range of clubs and societies which meet individual needs and offer opportunities to grow in confidence.
  3. Encourage a love of learning through enjoyable, interesting and engaging lessons and opportunities to develop through the Queenswood Qualities.
  4. Recruit a diverse student body which promotes international, cultural and political understanding and which is celebrated through cultural events and activities which engage with wider political issues.
  5. Promote spiritual and moral values through diverse chapel services and other celebrations as well as tutor group discussions and year-group assemblies which consider wider moral issues.
  6. Offer a wide range of co-curricular activities, academic clubs, opportunities for study and music clubs which challenge students.
  7. Support students to prepare for life after Queenswood including through a sixth-form designed to bridge the gap between school and life beyond, support and guidance for careers and undergraduate opportunities and social, moral and political awareness woven into the curriculum and community action days.
  8. Encourage parents to support all aspects of school life including events and social occasions, to offer workshops and webinars providing tools and information for parents and extend invitations to concerts, productions and meetings with teachers.

In closing, Mrs Cameron spoke of the new Queenswood Ethos above and challenged the students to answer this question and statement: ‘If you do not make the choice to take advantage of the co-curricular programme and join a club or society then why is this? If it is because out of the 177 on offer there is not anything that you think you will enjoy then make the choice to start a club that you will enjoy. Approach your tutor and ask how you can do this… accountable and make a difference to your own life and that of others. Warning against the danger of apathy and quoting Dame Jane Morris Goodall DBE, Mrs Cameron stated that what students do makes a difference and they have to decide what kind of difference they want to make.

Please join us in prayer this week:

God of love,
We love because you first loved us. 
So, in this new-year, we pray for opportunities to be kind and honest
And to act with integrity and accountability,
That we may love as you love.

Looking ahead:

The Stamp Family Service for students, teachers and families of years 7 and 8, will be on Friday 16th February 2024 at 3.30 pm in the Chapel.
The Confirmation Service will be held on Saturday 18th May 2024 at 10.30 am in the Chapel.

Reverend Kate Douglas