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This Week in Chapel: Black History Month

Friday 13 October 2023

In assembly, three Prefects introduced themselves and set out their plans for the year: Grace Y (Charity), Vivie F (Wellbeing) and Mia S (Centre House / Academic); plans include: raising money for charities through bake sales, home clothes days, donating COVID polo shirts and stalls at a Christmas Fayre (details to be announced); supporting students in years 9, 10 and 11 with their studies; and promoting wellbeing such as through Mental Health Awareness Week. Queenswood is really blessed to have such active and caring Prefects.

In our services, Sahi K (Year 9) and Eva H (Year 11) read from the Old Testament – Genesis 1:26, 27 and 31 – from which we learn that humanity is created in God’s image (v27); as such, each human being is special and afforded the status of God’s representative on earth to live and love as God: without prejudice and bias.

Drawing on the inspirational story of The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, the first Black female Bishop in the Church of England, the Chaplain encouraged pupils to consider their own prejudices and biases and to live in and up to the image of God by saying NO to the greed, fear and ignorance that drives racism and saying YES to the stories, gifts and resources of black girls and women.

Please join us in prayer this week for:

  • Our students and their families who have friends and relatives in Israel and Palestine and who are concerned, afraid and mourning.
  • Hatfield Food Bank who gratefully received 32 bags of Harvest Festival donations from Queenswood pupils.