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This Week in Chapel: Celebrating and Valuing All God Creates

Thursday 5 October 2023

In assembly, the Green Q Prefect and Eco Warrior Team introduced themselves and set out their plans to raise environmental awareness and make the school environment more sustainable. Acknowledgement was made of the initiatives already underway at Queenswood including the green spaces, new solar panels and recycling bins; new initiatives were also announced to reduce food waste and support bees, the ‘heroes’ of our food system.

In our service, pupils from Years 8 and 9 read from the Old Testament – Genesis 1:1-5 – in which the Hebrew people affirmed ‘that the earth that exists depends upon the creative and sustaining power of God’ (Joseph Price). The Chaplain drew attention to the ‘Creation Collage’ in Chapel made by OQ Margaret Bacon which is based on the Bible reading and which captures the Spirit of God giving life to a formless, empty and dark earth. The Chaplain spoke of the hope we have in God who has the power to turn the chaos created by climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution into something good and encouraged everyone to take personal responsibility and join with God in caring for creation and the places and people impacted by the way in which we use the earth’s resources.

Please join us in prayer this week for:

  • Hatfield Food Bank, the organisation that will receive the Harvest Festival gifts kindly donated by pupils.
  • 15 year old Jessica Barker and her coach driver who were killed in a road accident on the way to school in Liverpool.