Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

This Week in Chapel: Celebrating EAL and Preparing for Exams

Friday 24 May 2024


The term EAL applies to and includes all those who go home and speak another language with their family; Mrs Manning said that everyone in this position is an expert at navigating the cultural and linguistic balancing act of EAL which takes real effort, empathy and understanding and which has many benefits for individuals and for the Q community.

For the students we most commonly think of when using the term EAL – the girls learning from overseas – Mrs Manning said that they deserve special mention because as well as navigating the balancing act of EAL, these students are far from home and do not get the regular respite of immersing themselves in their mother tongue in the company of family and loved ones.  Further, they are striving to reach their academic potential across a range of subjects in a language that is not their own.  Mrs Manning asked us to think about this for a moment and to wonder how exhausting it might be to understand content, instructions, systems and other issues relating to a day at school.

Mrs Manning said that, remarkably, students with EAL often outperform those students studying in their mother tongue and go on to study at top universities the world over.  In addition to students, Mrs Manning said that many of the Queenswood Teaching and Support staff speak a different mother tongue and are an integral and valuable part of the Queenswood Community.  In closing, Mrs Manning thanked all those to whom the term EAL applies for the richness of diversity that they bring to the Queenswood community and for all they have to teach those of us whose mother tongue is English. A cause for celebration indeed.


For our Act of Worship, Reverend Kate said that it is good to be in the last week of the half term but that after a rest, and much revision, it will be time for us to return for exams.  For some, Reverend Kate said, the week of exams will pass without us being unduly troubled; however for others, this may be a time when we feel under pressure and find it hard to cope. Encouraging us to seek help if this is the case, Reverend Kate said that we must not suffer on our own but should talk to someone about how we feel.

Speaking of suffering, Reverend Kate said that this is something many people do on their own; often because they feel afraid and tell themselves lies like I’m better off on my own, or I’m not good enough for support or there’s no-one who wants to help me.  However, Reverend Kate said that the Holy Spirit is a spirit of light and truth which enables Christians to look a lie in the face and be unafraid to say ‘no’ to it; to be unafraid to say I am not alone, I am worth of receiving help and there are people who want to help me.

Therefore, in the space of the holiday to come, Reverend Kate invited us to take a moment to consider the lies we might sometimes tell ourselves or which society, social media or unkind people may tell us and, when doing so, to remember what she has said today: that the Holy Spirit empowers us to look a lie in the face and be unafraid to say ‘no’ to it, so that we may be the best version of ourselves that we can be, both in and outside of the exam room.

On our way out of Chapel, Reverend Kate invited us to pick up a card which is small enough to slip into a pencil case, phone pouch or bag and to use this card as a reminder of the support available at Q; also on the card is a prayer to say before each exam which Reverend Kate prayed for us:

Dear God,

In the exam season to come, help our students to read the questions well;
To understand what they have read; to stay calm and untroubled;
To remember accurately; to think clearly’
And to express their thoughts lucidly.

In other news…..

Six candidates were confirmed on Saturday 18 May 2024 (two of which were baptised prior to this) at a wonderful service of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion in the Chapel. Afterwards, the candidates and their families and friends enjoyed a lunch reception in The Terrace Room hosted by Mrs Cameron and Reverend Kate. 

Please do continue to hold our newly confirmed students in your prayers.