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This Week in Chapel: Getting Ready for Christmas

Thursday 14 December 2023

In Chapel on Monday, concluding the current series of multi-faith talks, Scarlett E (13H) delivered a fascinating and informative presentation on Paganism which was greatly appreciated by students and staff. Providing background to the religion, Scarlett addressed head-on the misconception that Paganism is similar to Satanism, informing us that the two are separate and explaining that the focus of Paganism is to thank the earth for its many gifts and to honour the sacred quality of nature and its cycles of birth and death which all carry strong spiritual meanings.

Scarlett described Pagans as viewing the world as a place of joy and life, rather than suffering, saying that they believe the divine is on earth in the natural world. Drawing our attention to Stonehenge, Scarlett explained that this is believed to have been a druid temple and possibly a meeting place between chiefdoms, a burial monument or even an astronomical ‘computer’. Scarlett illustrated parallels between Paganism and Christianity in the celebrations of harvest in the Autumn and new life at Easter and told us that chocolate yule logs, traditionally eaten at Christmas, may have derived from Pagan traditions where Celtic tribes, who believed the sun stood still, burned logs to ensure it kept moving.

In Chapel on Tuesday, Mrs Brown told students and staff about the Year 12 Community Day of Action. Out and about in the community of Hatfield were groups of students who visited local primary schools and projects that support the elderly and vulnerable. Students who remained at Q were equally busy, organising a sweet sale which encouraged students to buy a gift for someone and write a message of appreciation; students also supported Maths, PSCHE and Art lessons and worked with the Chaplain to prepare Chapel resources. Students also worked in the library creating art out of old books heading to landfill and a few intrepid members of year 12 braved the cold and helped Mrs Yaffe with some gardening.

Also in Chapel on Tuesday was a special Service of Christmas Remembrance at which staff paused briefly to remember loved ones who have died and will be missing from the festivities this year. If staff, parents or guardians would like to attend a similar service in 2024 then please contact the Chaplain: [email protected].

In school on Wednesday it was Christmas Jumper Day for which money is still being collected. Of note is that in this academic year Q’s charity and fundraising activities have amounted to nearly £1,800 for organisations including Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice, Royal British Legion and Crisis at Christmas with money still to be counted for Ella’s and Save the Children.

Following the Christmas Carol Service at St Albans Abbey, it was time for some fun in Chapel on Wednesday and Thursday as the Chaplain delivered a Quick Christmas Chapel Quiz. Choosing ‘heads’ or ‘tails’ to answer, students were asked ten questions which tested whether they could remember what has been discussed in Chapel this term. Students seemed to enjoy themselves and were gifted chocolate treats as they left Chapel after prayers and a blessing.

Please join us in prayer this week:

Loving God,
On the first day of creation
You made the light that scatters the darkness.
Let Christ, the light of lights,
Hidden from all eternity,
Shine at last on your people.

Looking ahead:
The Stamp Family Service for students, teachers and families of years 7 and 8, will be on Friday 16th February 2024 at 3.30 pm in Chapel.

Wish you and yours every blessing for Christmas and the year ahead.

Reverend Kate Douglas