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This Week in Chapel: Honesty and Accountability

Friday 26 January 2024


In preparation for Safer Internet Day 2024, Mr Laming told us in Assembly about the success of Safer Internet Day 2023 on which 5,000+ organisations across the UK delivered activities to promote, celebrate and champion the internet while encouraging safe usage. Mr Laming told us that the theme for Safer Internet Day 2024 is ‘Change Online’ and he gave an overview of how the internet has changed in the last ten years - not least through smartphones, artificial intelligence, wireless earbuds, face ID, 5G and smart watches.

Flipping the question, Mr Laming asked us to consider how the internet has changed us and he then explored the challenges of the internet such as pressure to be online, temptation to develop unhealthy lifestyles or habits, exposure to hurtful or harmful beliefs and development of unrealistic lifestyles and standards. With this in mind, Mr Laming drew our attention to the Q Safeguarding Team and invited us to contact one of them if we are concerned about anything that has happened online. Mr Laming also drew our attention to the new Q Online Safety Group which will discuss and make decisions about how to ensure the safety of the Q community when using technology. In closing, and in recognition of the fact that we are all internet users, Mr Laming challenged us to think about how we might use our influence to inspire positive change on the internet.


In our Act of Worship this week, Eva O (9H), Sahi K (9H), Rose-Ellen F (10N) and Evie K (10N) read from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 2, verses 22 to 40, following which the Chaplain provided a definition of accountability: the fact of being responsible for what we do (Cambridge Dictionary). The Chaplain then explained that what we do at Q is largely determined by rules designed to ensure the smooth running of the school and the safety, comfort and wellbeing of students and staff. Drawing our attention to the ‘School Rules and Queenswood Code’, the Chaplain explained that this lists various rules including that students are not permitted to be rude, use foul language or engage in deliberately malicious behaviour. The Chaplain said that it is difficult to believe such a rule is necessary but noted, with sadness, that, unfortunately, for some people, on some days, it is.

Referring to the Gospel reading, the Chaplain explained that Mary and Joseph were following rules when they took Jesus to the Temple to dedicate him to God; they followed a rule about when they should go - 40 days after Jesus’ birth - and a rule about what they should take as a sacrifice of thanksgiving: a pair of turtle-doves or two young pigeons as they were poor. In following these rules, the Chaplain said, Mary and Joseph demonstrated accountability to their community and to God.

The Chaplain then drew our attention to the value of role models in showing us how to behave and invited us to look to students, teachers and other staff who are a good example. The Chaplain stated that Simeon and Anna, in our Gospel reading, were good role models; having been loyal and faithful to God all his life, Simeon was open to and guided by the Holy Spirit such that he was in the Temple at exactly the right time to lift Jesus up and announce him as the light and saviour of the world for all time. As for Anna, having waited patiently in the Temple all her life, she too was there at exactly the right time to witness to the light of Jesus such that she could share the Good News.

In closing, inspired by the rules and role models of the first century, the Chaplain encouraged us to follow the rules and role models of the twenty-first century so that all of us, on each and every day, may be accountable to our community and to God.

Please join us in prayer this week:

Loving God,

We give thanks for our school and its rules which provide us with a safe space and opportunities to learn and grow.
Help us to follow these rules and help us to follow our role models,
That in so doing, we may be accountable to each other and to you.


Looking ahead:

The Stamp Family Service for students, teachers and families of years 7 and 8, will be on Friday 16th February 2024 at 3.30 pm in the Chapel. Parents and Guardians of Year 7 and 8 students are invited to confirm their attendance here.

A final reminder that the Confirmation Service will be held on Saturday 18th May 2024 at 10.30 am in the Chapel, with refreshments to follow in the Terrace Room. If you would like your daughter to be confirmed at this service then please sign up here.

Reverend Kate Douglas