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This Week in Chapel: Joyful, Joyful, Lord We Adore Thee

Friday 13 December 2024


After singing the song students chose as number 1 in the Christmas Song Competition – All I want for Christmas is you – Rachel F (9H) and Eve H (8H) read from Luke’s Gospel (chapter 2:8-14) which recounts the angelic announcement to shepherds of Jesus’ birth as saviour, proclaiming good news of great joy for all people and praising God with a message of peace on earth.

In response to this reading, Reverend Kate asked us to think what comes to mind when we hear the word joy; she wondered whether we think of happy moments such as hanging out with friends, doing well at school or listening to a favourite playlist. Reverend Kate said that, of course, these things are all great but that for Christians, joy is more than just a fleeting feeling of happiness that is dependent on things in life going well – such as getting a good mark in a test, a boyfriend liking a post or getting tickets to see a favourite band. Reverend Kate said that for Christians, joy is the deep sense of wellbeing, delight and hope that comes from knowing we are loved unconditionally by God who saw the brokenness of the world and chose to save us. Reverend Kate asked us to imagine our life is like a tree: happiness is like leaves that come and go with the seasons but joy is like the roots – strong and steady, even when the storms come.

The angel in our Bible reading called the birth of Jesus ‘Good News of Great Joy’ — because Jesus is the proof that God is with us and for us, and what could be a more joyful message than that?

Reverend Kate said that Mrs Jackson had worn a Sister Act hoodie last week which reminded her of Sister Act 2 in which the last song - Joyful, Joyful - beautifully captures the joy of the Christmas story; the lyrics are:

‘Joyful, Joyful, Lord we adore Thee,
God of glory, Lord of Love.
Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, hail thee as the sun above.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away. Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day.’

This song is a prayer and Reverend Kate said that, this Christmas, it is her prayer that our hearts may be opened to receive the joy of Jesus and that, just as the shepherds rejoiced in response to the Angel, we too will carry this joy with us, wherever we go. To help us, Reverend Kate told us some ways in which we can do this over the Christmas holiday:

Firstly, we can choose joy. Even on tough days there is always something to be grateful for, not least the ‘Good News of Great Joy’ which is that Jesus loves us and wants to save us.

Secondly, we can nurture joy by doing things that fill our heart with joy and draw us closer to God—whether it’s journaling, watching a favourite tv programme, listening to music, or creating something beautiful.

Thirdly, we can share joy. If we show God’s love to others it not only brings joy to them but also to us, so we can be kind to someone, encourage a friend or help someone in need.
Calypso M (11S) then led us in prayer by singing the opening verse of Joyful, Joyful; doing an amazing job, Calypso sang this unaccompanied at the conclusion of which we danced and sang along to the remainder of the song led by Beth T (12S) who even encouraged Mr Booth to do some breakdancing!


On 11th December it was Christmas Jumper Day for which we raised £271.22 (£288.23 in 2023) for Save the Children.

In the evening, boarders, residents and staff gathered outside, on Trew Terrace, to have a festive singalong where we sang a mixture of classic Christmas carols and modern Christmas songs. A new event for this year, it was a joy to see the enthusiasm with which students, in particular, sang. Following the singalong, and with thanks to the Catering Team, we then got out of the cold for some delicious hot chocolate and chocolate brownies.