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This Week in Chapel: Meet School Prefects Glory and Charlotte

Friday 20 September 2024


In assembly this week Mrs Stokes introduced herself as someone who does much more than look after the Yondr pouches! As Deputy Head Pastoral, Mrs Stokes told us that her role at Q is to look out for us, support our Heads of Year and Tutors with pastoral issues and remind us of the culture of the school: a culture of support and positive upstanding, which means we respect each other, stand up for what is right and listen and learn at every opportunity.

Mrs Stokes told us that part of her role is to consider the safeguarding of the school which means she does a lot of different things such as review the survey that Miss Cronin sends out about anti bullying, support the staff in the Wellbeing Centre and listen to students and help us when things are bad at home, school or online. Mrs Stokes explained that she does not work alone and she showed us a poster of the safeguarding team who are to help us especially if we need someone to talk to about serious issues such as topics we might cover in our PSHE lessons that we think our Tutor or Head of Year cannot help with.

Mrs Stokes said that, although it may sound cliché, the school might not get everything right every time, but that the school does really care and wants to help and encourage us all to work together. As such, Mrs Stokes introduced two Prefects who help her: Glory O (13W), the Q Digital Prefect, and Charlotte P (13S), who leads the School Council. 

Glory introduced herself and described the role as being tasked with keeping the Q community safe online while also helping us to learn about new, fun, exciting and innovative ways to incorporate the digital world into our learning.  Glory said that to have online proficiency is of the utmost importance due to our ever-changing world therefore it is important that we are equipped with the right skills to be online safely.  This is why, Glory explained, she is creating a team of around 8-10 students with approximately 2 from each year group to help gather information and ideas about how the internet is used within our Q community and what we can do to improve it for everyone. If students are interested in taking part, they are invited to complete this form.

Charlotte introduced herself and described her role as School Council Prefect which means she is on hand to listen to our concerns and ideas for the improvement of different aspects of the school, for example uniform, facilities and catering. Charlotte explained that once we have shared our concern or idea, then the School Council will work with members of staff to put our ideas into action.  Charlotte said that it is really important that students at Q have a forum to share their thoughts and be listened to, which is why she needs a great team to help her; as such, Charlotte asked for 2 representatives from each year group to help gather ideas and information about any aspect of school life and what can be done to improve it. If students are interested in taking part, then they are invited to complete this form.


In our act of worship this week Rachel F (9H) and Susie W (8H) read from Psalm 71, verses 15-18. Reverend Kate told us that she chose this Bible reading because the author speaks words that are on her heart: words of thanks and praise for the wonderful things God has done in her life, words of petition, as she asks God to be with her for all time and words of commitment, that she will tell young people how great God is, even when she is old and grey (which she assured us she is)!  

Reverend Kate said that telling us how great God is, is one of the most important aspects of her role at Queenswood which she does so that we may come to know God better and so have life in all its fullness (Jn 10:10). In addition to telling us how great God is, Reverend Kate reminded us that in her role as Chaplain she seeks to:

  1. Support and encourage us in our faith journey and equip us to appreciate the traditions of other faiths.
  2. Listen to us and offer pastoral and spiritual care especially in the not so good moments of our lives.
  3. Lead prayer and worship and support our community to live not only for its own interests but also for the interests of the world and ‘the other’. 

Reverend Kate said that she fulfils her role as Chaplain not just for those who express a Christian faith but for those of all faiths and no faith; as such, her approach is distinctively Christian but utterly inclusive which also means that she is not Chaplain just for those who excel academically or those who are the most sociable or seem to fit in easily, but Chaplain for all, including those of all abilities and disabilities and those who feel included or excluded.

Reverend Kate reminded us that if we want to talk about God, take the next step in our faith journey or receive pastoral or spiritual support; or if we need time in quiet contemplation or want to explore our identity and purpose through a Christian lens; then we are to email her, visit her study, see her in the Wellbeing Centre at lunchtime or sign up to one of her co-curricular clubs on SOCS.

Reverend Kate closed by saying that it is her hope that in this academic year, we will discover how great God is, so that we may come to know God better and, in so doing, may come to know ourselves better …..and have life in all its fullness.

Reverend Kate’s co-curricular clubs for 2024/25 are as follows:

  • ‘A Space for You’ – Time for contemplation in support of spiritual and mental health (years 10, 11, 12 and 13).  Tuesday from 16.30 pm to 18.00 pm beginning on 5th November 2024 in A Space for You (B03).
  • ‘Girl Got Faith’ – navigating faith, identity and purpose through a Christian lens (years 7 – 9).  Wednesday from 16.30 pm to 18.00 pm in the Chaplain’s Study (in Centre, opposite the ICT suites).
  • Chapel Steward Team – meeting on Wednesday from 1.15 pm to 1.45 pm in the Chaplain’s Study.