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This Week in Chapel: We Meet the Prefects and Celebrate Harvest

Friday 18 October 2024


In Assembly this week, after singing Cauliflowers Fluffy, the Senior Prefect Team presentations were concluded by Tilly M (13S), Lucie B (13N), Natalya F-D (13W) and Grace B (13N) who introduced themselves as the Ambassador, Scholar, Charity and Sustainability prefects respectively.

Tilly’s pen picture: Tilly is the Ambassador Prefect and studies English literature, geography and history at A level. Tilly explained that essentially her job is to be a role-model of ambassadorial behaviour for Queenswood School and to be the key point of contact for the Q Admissions Team, advising on aspects of branding, and the most effective use of tours.

Lucie’s pen picture: Lucie is the Academic Scholar Prefect and studies history, Latin and French at A level. Lucie explained her role as being the link between the Academic Scholars and the member of staff who runs the programme. Lucie added that she also helps to form the programme which will be restarting after half term. Lucie invited students with ideas that they would like implemented to let her know so that she can pass them on.

Natalya’s pen picture: Natalya is the Charity Prefect and studies maths, economics and geography at A level. Natalya explained that her role is to organise charity events at school and that her aim this year is for the school to raise as much money as possible through different types of fundraising with which she wants all students to get involved. Natalya explained that for Harvest Festival this week the school will be collecting donations of food and toiletries for Knebworth Food Bank in exchange for students wearing an autumn themed jumper for Autumn Jumper Day (17.10.2024). Natalya drew the students’ attention to her recent email about the type of items to bring in for Knebworth Food Bank and said that even one or two items from each person will make a difference.

Grace’s pen picture: Grace is the Sustainability Prefect and studies maths, physics and DT at A level. Grace explained that as the Sustainability Prefect her role is to help and improve the environmental work at school, as well as to help Q attain the Eco Schools Award. Grace said that she has some ideas of her own as to how to achieve the Eco Schools Award but that she would very much like it if students would get involved by joining the Eco Club which is run by herself and Mrs Looker on Fridays at second lunch in F4.

Each Senior Prefect said that they are contactable by email or that students can find them in Bellman on most days; additionally, Grace said that she can be found in Trew House on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

In closing, Reverend Kate said our Senior Prefect Team prayer:

Loving God,

We give thanks for our Senior Prefect Team and especially today for Tilly, Lucie, Natalya and Grace.
We praise you that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and, in this very important year for each of them, we give thanks that they have put themselves forward to lead on matters that are important to the school and its students.

As each balances study with their new duties, we pray that in their service to the school they will learn things of lifelong value and that at all times they will know your wisdom, comfort and peace.

Continue to bless them Lord and equip them with everything they need for this day and every day.


Do not worry about anything you lack, but live according to God who provides everything you need

In our Act of Worship this week we celebrated Harvest Festival with students donating items for Knebworth Food Bank in exchange for wearing an autumn themed jumper with their school uniform.

After singing the traditional hymn, ‘We Plough the Fields and Scatter’, Oreoluwa A (9N) and Mrs Jackson read from the Gospel of Matthew (6:25-33) which, as we celebrate Harvest Festival and prepare for our Half Term break, reminds us of God’s provision for the things we can see, such as food, clothes and holidays, and the things we cannot see but which meet our deeper needs such as for love, healing and hope.

Reverend Kate said that God’s provision is not something we can control, which may be ok when we do not have the right food, clothes or holidays we want but is, perhaps, more difficult to acknowledge when we do not have the love, healing and hope that we want, such as when friends turn away, or mental health difficulties get in the way of life or when issues of identity and purpose are confusing.

However, Reverend Kate reminded us that God understands these times of struggle and in Matthew’s Gospel speaks directly, telling us that although God’s provision is not something we can control, what we can control is the extent to which we worry. As such, Reverend Kate told us that Jesus invites us not to spend our time worrying about what we lack but, instead, to spend our time living according to the rule of God who we can trust to provide everything we need. At Queenswood, living according to the rule of God includes being kind and honest and acting with integrity and accountability; the very characteristics of our Queenswood Ethos through which we learn, live and work together.

Reverend Kate told us that God wants us to give up worrying because worry does not add a single thing to our lives; instead, all worrying does is steal our peace. With this in mind, Reverend Kate asked us to try, even in times of struggle, not to spend our time worrying but to spend our time living in kindness, honesty, integrity and accountability; trusting in the God of peace who provides everything we need, both seen and unseen.

Reverend Kate prayed on our behalf:

Loving God,
Thank you for providing for all our needs.

As we face life’s struggles, help us to seek you first in everything;
To trust you and to focus on what is truly important.

Help us to follow your way of living and to challenge each other to live by your rules.