Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Tremendous GCSE Results – almost 40% achieve 8 or more A*/A grades

Friday 24 August 2018
Delighted Queenswood girls, their parents and teachers received GCSE results to be proud of today. Twenty three out of the fifty nine GCSE pupils (38.9%) achieved top grades in eight or more subjects – that’s grades 9, 8 and 7 or their equivalent grades in letters A*/A . (In common with most independent schools, Queenswood has a mix of GCSEs graded in letters as well as in the new numerical style). The 2018 cohort performed very well across all subject areas with top grades 9, 8, 7 and A*/A achieved by 61.2% of pupils and 96.7 % achieved grades 9 - 4 or A*-C. Results for mathematics were particularly strong. Three girls achieved marks that placed them in the top 1% of all results for Edexcel International GCSE Mathematics. Commenting on the results, Principal, Jo Cameron said “Happy girls are successful girls. At Queenswood, we ensure that the girls are supported and cared for in all that they do, both with their academic studies and in all the co-curricular opportunities they enjoy. This all-round approach bears great fruit academically. I am delighted for our talented girls and their parents and I would like to pay tribute to our wonderful, committed staff in all they do to support them.”