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Tycoon Tales: the Story of The Little Pine Company

Friday 13 December 2024


Our business, The Little Pine Company – previously named Corks & Candles – has always held sustainability in mind. Initially, we set out to make customisable hand-poured candles using cut, recycled wine bottles. However, health and safety concerns over the inability to officially test our product prompted us to rethink and adapt our business model. 

After brainstorming ideas to put our components to use, we found a festive solution: mini Christmas trees planted in the same up-cycled wine bottles! This new product not only maintains our aim to reduce waste but also adds a unique, seasonal spirit to any space. The response has been fantastic, with many orders coming through our form. We had even greater success at our stall on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 December, selling upwards of 50 trees!

Our team of five have learnt many things over the course of recent weeks, but especially the importance of perseverance, as our business could not have been successful without it. After the holiday season, we are keen to adapt our business further: selling cactuses and other small plants in our wine bottles.

You can follow our instagram – thelittlepinecompany – to keep up with our journey.

Thank you for supporting us!