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Weekend Fun: Make a Bee B&B!

Thursday 19 May 2022

Today is World Bee Day and a great opportunity to reflect on why these fuzzy, flying insects are so important and how we can support them when their numbers are in drastic and global decline.

Bees are perfect pollinators! They pollinate the food that we need to survive and many of the trees and flowers that provide essential habitats for our wildlife. But bees are disappearing - with habitat loss, the use of pesticides, climate change, parasites and diseases all contributing to their  decline.

So this weekend, why not help the bees by building a Bee B&B for the solitary bees visiting your garden. Unlike honeybees and bumblebees, solitary bees live and build their nests alone, usually in tunnels, hollow stems and beetle holes. Creating a ready-made place for them to lay their eggs, will encourage them to make your garden their home.

Watch the short video above or visit the National History Museum's website here for some buzzing Bee B&B ideas.