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Welcoming back all pupils from 8 March: Update on Friday 26 February

Friday 26 February 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians

School Reopening Details

I am writing with further details about re-opening the Queenswood campus.

Lateral Flow Tests – now on Friday 5th March

We were informed yesterday that government guidance has changed on when we are allowed to start lateral flow testing. We are now allowed to begin testing before Monday 8th March. We have therefore decided to conduct the tests on Friday 5th March. This is excellent news because it means we will be able to resume face-to-face teaching on Monday 8th March. In view of the tests now taking place next Friday, I have decided that we will make Friday 5th March an off-screen day, so that girls can follow some off-screen activities during the part of the day when they are at home. Details of the off-screen activities will be given to your daughters next week.

The lateral flow tests will be conducted in Q Hall and we will let parents know early next week what time their daughter needs to arrive at school on 5th March. The taking of the test should only last a matter of a few minutes. She will then wait in Q Hall until she receives her result, which usually takes about 30 minutes. Once she has received her test result, she must go straight home. The two further tests at school will take place during the school day on Tuesday 9th March and Friday 12th March.

Permission for Tests

Although tests are not mandatory, we strongly recommend that all pupils and staff take them, for the benefit of the whole school and the wider community. We will need permission to do your daughter’s test and process data. You will therefore be asked on Tuesday 2nd March to complete a permissions form. Please complete this form whether or not you give permission for the test, so that we know who to chase if they haven’t responded. Please be aware that we will also ask for personal information in order to help with pre-registering and making the process as seamless as possible.

What’s involved in the testing?

Our team of trained school staff will supervise the girls as they swab their own tonsils and throat. Swabbing is a straightforward procedure and there is nothing to be concerned about. In the future, girls will be issued with home testing kits and will be asked to complete the test twice weekly. Home kits will be supplied via Queenswood and there will be more details to follow about this in due course.

Parents and pupils should be aware that owing to the nature of lateral flow tests, a positive lateral flow test almost certainly means that the individual has Coronavirus, BUT a negative lateral flow test result does not necessarily mean that the individual does not have the virus. As such, it remains as important as ever to continue to maintain social distance from each other and respect the protocols that are in place within the school.

International Boarders Return – From Sunday 7th March

International Boarders may now return to school from Sunday 7th March to enable them to join their classmates in face-to-face teaching on Monday 8th March. Girls who come to Queenswood directly from the airport, will have already done all the tests required and they may spend their quarantine at Queenswood. They will learn remotely from their boarding house until they have finished their quarantine period.

Covid-safe preparations to re-open school

Please be assured that we are reviewing our risk assessments in light of the latest government guidance on re-opening schools in the most secure way possible. Here are some of the measures that will be in place to ensure that your daughter and our staff are protected as much as possible from the risks of Covid-19:

  • In addition to the lateral flow tests we will continue to do the daily temperature tests at the Swimming Pool entrance for Day pupils and in the Boarding Houses for Boarders
  • Pupils will remain in year group bubbles
  • Face coverings must be worn in the classroom and at all other times. The only exceptions are when the girls are socially distanced outside, or eating and drinking. They must wear a face mask as they queue for meals or queue for any activity
  • We will continue to stagger lunchtimes in three dining locations
  • Desks will be appropriately distanced
  • Girls will receive frequent reminders about hand washing and hand sanitising. There are sanitising stations and additional wash basins around the school.

Could you please stress with your daughter the importance of frequent hand washing and the maintenance of social distancing at all times. The girls will be delighted to see their friends again after a long time and may forget to keep a safe distance away. This is necessary even within year group bubbles. We will also be reminding them on their first day back, about Covid-safe protocols and the behaviour that we expect of them.

School transport

School transport will resume on Monday 8th March. Between Monday 8th March and Friday 12th March, the school day will end at 4.25pm and school transport will leave at 4.30pm each day. Parents of Day pupils not on transport must pick their daughter up from school at 4.30pm between 5th and 12th March. From Monday 15th March, school transport times will revert to normal ie 6pm Monday – Thursday and 4.30pm on Fridays.

School uniform

From Monday 8th March, pupils are expected to wear the same uniform that was in operation at the end of the Autumn Term; girls must wear their coloured year-group polos every day. On days they have PE (either in their timetable or as a club), they can wear PE kit. On days they don't have PE, they should be in uniform, with their coloured polo shirt.


From Monday 8th March we will return to the academic timetable that we ran during the Autumn Term with split lunchtimes. Girls will be expected to arrive for their tutorial at 8.20am on Monday 8th March.

Co-curricular activities

Co-curricular activities will resume from Monday 15th March. Details of activities on offer will be shared with pupils on Monday 8th March, ready for them to sign up for clubs etc the following week.

Guidance for parents

A handy summary of guidance notes for parents on the re-opening of the school will be sent to parents next week.

GCSE, A Level and Extended Project Qualification grading assessments

We’ve now received details of government guidance on how GCSEs, A Levels and the Extended Project Qualification will be assessed. Many parents will also have read some details in the media.

Grades will be awarded by schools based on a range of evidence. Our aim will be to give exam candidates time and support to add to their portfolio of evidence that we already have, and therefore the mock exams that we had postponed from January will not take place this term. We are due to receive the exam boards’ test papers by the end of term and we will build them into our plans for next term. Grades will be submitted by 18 June and the results days are being brought forward to:

  • A levels and Extended Project Qualification – 10th August
  • GCSEs – 12th August

Further information will be provided to parents and girls at Google Meets to be arranged for Year 11 and Year 13 families for week commencing 15th March. In the meantime, please refer to this document from the examinations regulator Ofqual which gives some key facts here:

As you can imagine, things are moving fairly rapidly now that we have permission to test the pupils, open the school and more clarity about public qualification assessments. Please be assured that it is of the utmost importance to me and the rest of the Queenswood Senior Leadership Team, that we keep you up to date with information as swiftly as possible.

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please do contact me or one of my team.

With best wishes,

Ian Sheldon
Acting Principal