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A New Role at Queenswood: Wellbeing Prefect

Friday 2 October 2020

Pupil wellbeing is supported at Queenswood in a multitude of ways. Mrs Mackay, Deputy Head of Pupils, oversees the School’s safeguarding protocols and the pastoral care of all our girls. 

A key element of this pastoral care is daily tutor time which is used to share important information, give time for discussion and extend learning opportunities. Chapel services, delivered by Reverend Vindra, provide a pause for reflection and contemplation whilst Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education (PSHCEE) lessons enable girls to develop the knowledge and skills for resilient, healthy and happy lives.

As the Queenswood community endeavours to meet the challenges of returning to school at this unprecedented time, we welcome the additional pastoral support of our new Sixth Form Wellbeing Prefect, Lara P-L.

Lara says:

“Dear Girls,

My name is Lara and I’m your Sixth Form Wellbeing Prefect.  I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you about my new role. 

I hope to be a friendly face and someone you can approach at any time to talk about any concerns you may have, however big or small.  Even though we have returned to School in our year group ‘bubbles’, it is vitally important that we maintain our sense of community and make sure that no one is struggling alone.

Pupil mental health issues are incredibly important to me and I would like to support all girls at every stage of their Q journey, from settling in as a new pupil to managing the pressures of being in the older year groups. Girls may also wish to seek advice about forging and maintaining friendships or even about developing a positive and healthy body image.

My plan for the year is to introduce periodic talks with speakers on subjects that matter, although it is likely these will be presented virtually for now. I also hope to produce some help sheets which will steer the girls in the right direction as I won’t have all of the answers! Whilst most of my plans will need to be delivered online, I am hoping to communicate regularly and from the heart with my fellow girls, perhaps via a weekly blog. 

As the creation of this role was my idea, I hope that it demonstrates how much it means to me and how much I want to be there for every single one of you. We may not know what someone is dealing with behind closed doors so please support one another, because as girls, that’s what we need to do most.” 

Lara will be publishing a weekly ‘Positivity Pebble’ for us all to enjoy and reflect on over the coming week.