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Year 11 English: Eggs-emplary Easter Work

Tuesday 23 April 2024


Congratulations to all Year 11 English students who engaged with the recent Easter Egg assignments.

The English Department set nine 30-minute revision tasks, which appeared every few days through the Easter holidays, on a dedicated Google Classroom. These covered all the set texts: Pride and Prejudice, An Inspector Calls, Much Ado About Nothing, ‘Love and Relationships’ poetry, unseen poetry, and all the areas of English language: reading fiction, reading non-fiction, narrative writing, and writing an article.

Teachers were able to stay in touch with students over the holidays, giving them personalised feedback on the Eggs as they completed them. Over 300 were completed during the three weeks.

We were so impressed by the quality of the work we saw. They really are an excellent year group, and I think we'll see that reflected in the exam results.

We have awarded chocolate prizes to the sixteen students who worked hardest on the Eggs:

Dahlia C, Eva H, Emily S, Kirat G, Zoe X, Beth T, Zoe-Grace L, Eleanor J, Olivia H, Arabella L, Nadiya M-K, Marissa S, Maria M, Maya S, Tina C, Ash K