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Year 8: End-of-Year Reflections

Friday 28 June 2024


As we approach the end of Year 8, a few members of the team volunteered to speak in front of the year group about their reflections/achievements this year. I am super proud of their achievements, and of the progress they have made and the confidence they showed to share it with their peers. Thank you to all our speakers.

Here are a few snippets from their speeches:

Really, problems that feel insurmountable aren’t as impossible as you think them to be. You see, it’s all about the small things. The world can feel scary, but by taking things one step at a time, you can help to make the world a better place
Izzy P
Luckily our friends and teachers were there to support and guide us through the difficult weeks. One reflection I have made is to be grateful for all of the help given to me by my classmates and staff
Caitlin F
What has changed for me over Year 8? How is the ‘today’ Layla different to the ‘old’ Layla? Well, for a start the ‘old’ Layla wouldn’t be standing in front of you making a speech, certainly not about myself anyway! So what changed to help me do that? Well, I suppose it’s number of things: mainly confidence; the LAMDA classes I do; as you know I do quite like to talk: and also feeling OK that I can make mistakes and if I do my friends always have my back
Layla S
We have learnt so many things, not just academically but also important life lessons that will guide us in the future
Marianne B
The memories we have made this year are endless: the days where the toaster kept setting off the fire alarm, the Lower School Singing Competition, Sports Day,  the House suppers, the drama productions, House Capture the Flag and the friends that we made by just sitting and talking. They are what make your story
– Eva B
I am proud that I’ve proved to my teachers and most importantly myself that I can work in a more organised manner and that if I put even a little more effort then it can go a long way. This year has been the best year so far
– Niyah N-N
From Year 2, my first-ever choir, my highlights have always been performing for people, whether it be a retirement home or an end-of-term concert. Choir has always been a safe place for me to go, and the friends I have made through these are the strongest
– Rachel F