Year 8 History: 1000 Years of Stories at the Tower of London
Friday 14 March 2025
The trip to the Tower of London was amazing and something we will never forget. As soon as we arrived, we were amazed by how huge and old the Tower looked. It was hard to believe that it had been around for nearly 1,000 years! The Tower has such a rich history, having been a royal palace, a prison, and even a place where kings and queens were crowned.
At the entrance we were greeted with huge ravens who seemed to be guarding the gates with their intimidating stares. It is said that if the ravens ever leave, the walls of the Tower will crumble, and the monarchy will fall. This myth adds another dimension to the trip, making the experience even mysterious.
We met some tour guides, who educated us on the history of the tower. We also learnt about the suffragettes, like Emmeline Pankhurst. She talked to us about how long it took for women's rights to finally be equal to men, and it was an amazing experience in total.
In our last tour, we were educated on why remembering historical events is important and talked about how some stories are better remembered than others. One of the stories that stood out to me was about Anne Askew. She was unrightfully tortured by being stretched on the rack for not giving up information. She was stretched so much that her body never fully recovered in the two weeks that she had to live before she was executed. She was killed by being burned alive on the stake.
Near the end we had the opportunity to check out other experiences, such as the bloody tower, and the torture chambers.
One of the best parts of the visit was seeing the Crown Jewels. They were kept in a special room (which had a vault) and they sparkled so brightly! The crowns, scepters, and other royal treasures were stunning, and it was exciting to think about all the important events they have been part of in history.
Another highlight was meeting the Beefeaters. These guards are in charge of the Tower, and they gave us an interesting and fun tour. They told us funny stories and important facts about the Tower’s history, like how it was once used as a prison for famous people, including Anne Boleyn.
Overall, our trip to the Tower of London was a fantastic way to learn about history and see some incredible sights. We would love to visit again!