Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Year 9 – Outward Bound in Mersea

Wednesday 12 October 2016

At the end of September, Year 9 girls travelled to Mersea in Essex for two days of outward bound activities, including high ropes, potholing, fire building and marshmallow toasting.

We sang loads on the bus and filled ourselves with sweets! We unpacked then started our first activity. We climbed loads until our hands were red and aching. Other groups went on the leap of faith. It was really wobbly and scary but once you did it, it was really fun!

At night we strolled along the beach and watched the sunset. Afterwards we walked back to our lodge and sipped scorching hot chocolate with bourbons. In the morning we at a full English breakfast before we ran off to various activities such as climbing, swinging and building catapults.

We were sad to leave but we hope there will be another trip.

Izzy, Lottie, Melly, Lexi and Talia

Everyone was full of excitement as we arrived and saw our first view of the glistening sea and the fun activities we would soon be enjoying together. There were lots of challenging activities, from wading through muddy swamps to flying down a zip wire at full speed.

Our first challenge was the Leap of Faith, where we had to climb up an extremely high pole and jump off onto a trapeze.

We also really enjoyed the caving, even though it was quite scary and claustrophobic at times. The whole group were in fits of laughter when we scared each other in the pitch black, and also when we had to fit into the tiniest space underground.

Overall our most favourite part of the trip was when we got to go down to the beach while the sun was setting. We all enjoyed taking some cool photos – which we will definitely keep forever to remind us of the all the fun times we had over the past few days.

Eliza, Hannah, Brooke and Emma

We especially like being able to jump in the big pond of mud, no matter how cold it was. The night time was just as fun. After dinner we went for a stroll on the marsh. We played music and raced each other down the hill. After, we went back to the dorm and we drank hot chocolate. The next day we did the leap of faith which is where you climb up onto a huge pole and jump onto a bar. We both managed to success even though it was terrifying. The zip-wire was also great fun, as we enjoyed trying to get down it in as many wasy as possible. Overall it was a great experience and we would go back again in a heartbeat.

Trinity and Georgia

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