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A Message from OQA Chair, Tricia Wrinch

Monday 5 April 2021

A very warm welcome to our Spring 2021 communications, with the Chronicle being mailed out last month and the hardcopy newsletter being re-launched this month providing the latest news of OQs  alongside updates from Q (the newsletter is sent to those not on email and reflects news in the Bulletin).

Of course, we have all experienced the strangest and, for some, the saddest of times in recent months. Regrettably, most of our planned 2020 events had to be cancelled, including the exciting 125th Anniversary gathering on 4th July last year, but we are looking forward to the time - hopefully not so far ahead - when we may be able to gather at Queenswood again and hold other face-to-face events and activities for OQs.

A lot has changed at Q even in the last 18 months and, as a Queenswood Governor as well as Chair of the OQA, I am so proud of how the school has handled the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, whilst continuing to inspire its pupils and prepare them for life after school.

I am pleased to say that the Old Queenswoodians' Association continues to work closely with the school and I know that that close alignment benefits both OQs and current pupils and staff. You will see that at the end of this Newsletter there is a piece about Q's new fundraising campaign. One way that the OQA has been able to demonstrate our support for the school has been in making a significant donation towards this exciting 6th Form Centre redevelopment project. Further details can be found in the Fundraising brochure, which also explains how you can make a donation, if you are in a position to support this ambitious project.

Old Queenswoodians have made generous contributions to Q fundraising campaigns in the past – the new Queenswood Hall and the Clarissa Farr Theatre lift being such examples and I have no doubt that individuals and the OQA will continue to find ways of supporting the school in the future, in recognition of all that Queenswood has done for us in the past.

Happy Reading!

Tricia Wrinch
Chair, Old Queenswoodians’ Association