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Extraordinary Times

Saturday 4 July 2020

The last few months have been an extraordinary time for Queenswood and its community.  Whilst Q has been closed an extremely successful online virtual learning facility was launched, enabling pupils to continue their education from home.  The OQA has also been meeting on Zoom and the Foundation Office has stayed operational via home working.

A huge thank you to all OQs who supported Q’s PPE making project by contributing to the fundraising initiative which raised nearly £7,000 for raw materials, with residue being donated to OQ Helen McCrory’s Feed NHS campaign.  As well as many establishments, Q’s PPE was also delivered to OQ Annabel Burt at the Hedingham Medical Centre, Essex, and to OQ Madeline Groves' (Mrs Allen) son who was on the front line with the ambulance service running out of Reading.

Here is Q's video which shows behind the scenes and also thank you’s from PPE recipients where we were able to get a photo. Music directed by Mr Kokkinos

For a light hearted take on lockdown, take a look here at ‘The Birth of the Virtual Choir’, written and produced by OQ Julie Austin (Mrs Stanley) and performed by St Giles’ Festival Choir.  Thank you to Barbara Langley-Poole for sharing this with us.