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OQA Chronicle Update

Saturday 4 July 2020

After all of the comings and goings of the last few months, we are still aiming to publish the delayed Chronicle before the end of 2020. We are sorry that there has been such a gap since the last Chronicle was produced and for the couple of false starts since then, but hopefully we are now on target to launch the OQ news collection part of the process!

We aim to feature Queenswood’s 125th Anniversary in both the design and content of the Chronicle and will also be seeking advertising, initially by contacting OQs who are currently listed in the OQ Business Directory, so please stay tuned!

The overall plan is to provide Section Secretaries with their OQ information by the end of August, with a timetable for them to then contact their sections during August/September.

As usual, there will be a good deal of co-ordination to be done, but ideally we will be able to produce the Chronicle in November.

Full details will be supplied via email, including information regarding the revised news collection process and the two new “technical support roles” we have put in place, to assist with queries. The two volunteers will be available for video and phone calls to talk through any aspects of the new process, to make things as simple as possible for OQs and Section Secretaries.

So, please stick with us and with a fair wind, we will have a Chronicle out before Christmas!

Tricia Wrinch
OQA Chair