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Drink-Driving Awareness – A Powerful Lesson

Monday 22 September 2014
On Friday 19 September, Queenswood’s Sixth Form were delivered a stark message about the dangers of drink-driving.

Potters Bar Fire Brigade spendmore time attending road traffic collisions and cutting casualties out of cars
than they do attending fires. Drivers most likely to crash are aged 17 to 24,
with alcohol and drugs often contributors to the crashes. In the past two years, fire fighters from Potters Bar have attended some particularly horrific scenes within
Hertfordshire, and are therefore visiting as many schools as possible to educate
young people about the risks of dangerous driving, and in particular drink

Our session began with a
presentation where hard facts were imparted: a person being hit at 30mph has a 50%
survival rate, but this drops to 10% if hit at 40mph. The girls also
watched some factual films about the consequences of not wearing a seatbelt and
driving too fast. They were constantly reminded that, for their safety, they
should never drink and drive.    

The second half of the workshop
involved an outside demonstration of two girls being cut out of a car as if
they had been involved in a collision.  The rest of the group gathered
round to watch the intricate yet very noisy procedure whilst the fire fighters
talked through the process.

We would like to thank to Potters Bar Fire
Brigade for taking time the time to deliver such a powerful workshop. 

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