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Into the Sixth Form: Year 10 and 11 Explore Their Academic Futures

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Year 10 and 11 pupils and their families got the chance to explore life in Queenswood’s Sixth Form on 1 October, with a series of talks in the Clarissa Farr Theatre and a vibrant subject fair in Q Hall.

Stephen Daughton (Assistant Head, Pupil Data, Teaching and Learning) gave a compelling account of the value added by a Queenswood education, with years’ worth of verified statistics from Cambridge Assessment to prove that we are experts in teaching girls.

You can watch his presentation, and others given by senior members of staff and prefects, by clicking on the thumbnails below.

There was a really dynamic atmosphere in Q Hall, with stalls for all 27 subjects offered at A-Level, along with information about World Challenge, boarding, the EPQ, our new Queenswood Quisine cookery course, and many other aspects of Sixth Form life.

Stephen Daughton, Assistant Head

Whatever the future holds...

Jo Cameron, Principal

Ian Sheldon, Senior Deputy Head

Chris Fox, Head of Sixth Form

Emily H, Deputy Head Girl

Lucie B, Academic Prefect

Lucie King, Head of Careers