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Jam Boy’ Fraser Doherty MBE wows Queenswood’s Sixth Form

Monday 10 October 2016

As part of the Sixth Form Lecture Programme, students were lucky enough to hear Fraser Doherty tell his inspirational story on Friday 7 October.

Fraser is the founder of SuperJam, the 100% fruit jam company. He started the company at the age of fourteen, using his Gran’s recipes. Since then, SuperJam has grown to supply over 2,000 supermarkets around the world, selling millions of jars along the way.

He is also the author of two global bestsellers, and is greatly in demand as a motivational speaker.

One of the abiding messages of his talk was that young people should see their youth as a gateway rather than a barrier to success. If students have a business idea, they should seize all the available help and opportunities available to them at school or college. He believes that it was his innocence as a teenage entrepreneur that helped him make such an impression on companies such as Waitrose.