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Kitty Hart-Moxon OBE: A lesson from history for Queenswood Sixth Formers

Friday 3 February 2017

Queenswood Sixth Form students with Kitty Hart-Moxon, OBE, of the Holocaust Education Trust.

On 3 February, Holocaust survivor Kitty Hart-Moxon OBE visited Queenswood as part of the Sixth Form Lecture series, and delivered a spell-binding talk to both year groups.

Kitty, who was recently in the news when she was applauded by the House of Commons on the occasion of her 90th birthday, has a truly astonishing story to tell. She and her mother both survived more than two years of unimaginable horrors in Auschwitz-Birkenau, during which she says she witnessed ‘the very worst and the very best of humanity’.

Kitty spoke for an hour about her family’s attempts to escape the invading German armies in Poland at the outbreak of the war, their capture and internment at Auschwitz, the infamous Death March to Belsen in early 1945, and her work after the war to document the horrors of the Holocaust for future generations.