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Return to the BFI: Sixth Form Media Studies Students attend Critical Thinking Lecture

Thursday 14 December 2023


On Tuesday 12 December, Year 12 and 13 Media Studies students visited the BFI in Southbank for a critical thinking lecture presented by Matthew Daintrey-Hall. Matthew has around 20 years of experience in teaching and is a film lecturer and writer.

This lecture focused on different aspects of theorists within the Media Studies course such as bell hooks, Baudrillard, Barthes, and more. He helped the students learn how to analyse different media texts like adverts and music videos. The focus was on three main aspects, representations of gender, codes and semiotics then lastly postmodernism. During this lecture, the students were also shown part of a documentary called Brainwashed - Sex, Camera, Power, which helped to give examples of how different media texts portray women.

The lecture then finished with a short Q&A with Sophia Satchell Baeza who writes on films, psychedelic art, and 1960s British counterculture, and film theory along with other things. All the students that took part, including myself, thought it was a fun, informative, and highly successful trip and also look forward to hopefully going again in the future.