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Spotlight on Senior Prefects: Introducing Sylvia, Green Q Prefect and Ella, School Council Prefect

Friday 20 October 2023

Interview with Sylvia L, Green Q Prefect and Ella R, School Council Prefect


Please can you explain your prefect role?

As Green Q Prefect, I aim to raise environmental awareness and make our school more environmentally sustainable. As climate change is one of the largest issues humankind is facing, it is crucial for us as individuals to take action. My responsibility is to encourage everyone to make changes- even small but meaningful.

As the School Council Prefect, I listen to everyone’s suggestions for how we can do things differently around the school. I try to implement as many ideas as possible and everything we achieve as the School Council this year will be shown on a notice board. 

Sylvia, could you tell us about the Eco Warriors Club and Ella, could you tell us about the Student Council and how pupils can engage with you?

We wish to make the school more environmentally friendly. We are holding a charity bake sale on 15 November and the focus will be all about bees. Our club takes place every Thursday after school in ICT 2. You are welcome to join!

The School Council meets every term to discuss our ideas as well as pupils’ suggestions for how we can do things differently around the school. There are school council representatives in every year group and students can also contact us via the School Council Form. The Council discuss all suggestions and decide how they can be implemented.

What do you aim to do after your time at Q?

I plan to study Geography at university. Geography as a multidisciplinary subject, focuses on the interaction and relationship between humans and nature. I wish to study this more and in the future use what I've learned to help more.

I would like to go to university to study veterinary medicine. I am hoping to have my own practice one day!

What's one of your best moments so far in Sixth Form?

I loved the assembly that all the prefects put together and I'm extremely proud of my Eco Warriors. It is a really meaningful club.

One of my highlights of the year was the Biology field trip where we went to Juniper Hall. I really enjoyed spending time with my friends and learning new things which will help with my studies.