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Spotlight on Senior Prefects: Introducing Vivie F, Wellbeing Prefect and Grace Y, House Events and Charities Prefect

Friday 13 October 2023

Interview with Vivie F, Wellbeing Prefect and Grace Y, House Events and Charities Prefect


Please can you explain your prefect role?

In today's fast-paced world, wellbeing is a really crucial factor, and I am committed to ensuring that every member of our school community feels safe, supported, and valued. It is my role to make sure that everyone feels that they have someone at Queenswood to talk to, should they have any problems.

My role as the House Events and Charities Prefect is to not only help the school community, but to help communities outside of Q too. The wellbeing and health of each individual in and outside of Q is very important and so my job is to ensure that we as a school, help communities by raising awareness and fundraising for charities.

Vivie, could you tell us about the new Wellbeing Centre and Grace, could you tell us about the charities Q is supporting?

The new Wellbeing Centre is fantastic, and I'm so excited to see the students using it already. It’s a space for us to have a quiet and reflective moment during our busy school day. Miss Hill and Miss Bishop are always there to welcome you and to offer guidance and support should you need any. I also regularly try to attend myself during break or lunch times to make sure that the younger students know that I am available to support and speak to them.

I have already set up a charity donation for the Hatfield Food Bank which has been an overall success! I am also planning to have many bake sales which can be run by different societies and clubs, each choosing their own charity/cause to raise money for. In addition to this, I am planning to implement more community activities inside and outside of school and raise money for various charities such as Crisis and the RSPCA.

What do you aim to do after your time at Q?

I plan to go to university to study Veterinary Medicine with the aim of becoming an equine vet specialising in thoroughbred breeding. 

I plan to go to university where I can study and enjoy doing something I love, which will hopefully lead me to achieve my future aspirations. I hope to travel and live in Japan for a bit whilst I continue to find my way to gain experience in jobs and the workplace.

What's one of your best moments so far in Sixth Form?

One of my highlights is coming 8th as an individual at the U18 International Youth Championships on my horse Benson and 16th on my other horse Mickey in July. I was also one of the counting scores to help the Eastern Region Team win. I also loved the Biology field trip - it was an excellent opportunity to develop my biological knowledge and make even more friends.

It would definitely be the Biology field trip! It was a new experience and I had a really good time with everyone whilst also learning different things in Biology.