Fine Art

There is tremendous enthusiasm for Art at Queenswood.

The subject is taken by all girls until the end of Year 9 and is available as an option for GCSE and A level.

The skills and techniques involved in drawing and painting, ceramics and printmaking are explored more thoroughly as the course develops so that by GCSE and, more especially, in the Sixth Form, the girls are able to choose a discipline in which to specialise.

Our Visiting Artist works with students to extend their knowledge and understanding while introducing her specialism to their working practice.

We offer scholarships to artists who show particular potential, enthusiasm and talent. For more information, please visit the scholarships and bursaries section of the website.

Our regular exhibitions feature work by the Art Scholars, GCSE and A Level students. Other activities associated with the Art Department include gallery visits, Sixth Form life classes at the University of Hertfordshire, and a range of evening clubs.


“Having the opportunity to improve my art in the art department! Amazing!.”

– Charlotte, Art Scholar, Year 7


Disha shares her favourite memory of Year 8...
“The art exhibition, because it was inspirational to see and gave me ideas for my own work.”

– Disha, Year 8