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Key Stage 3


“Creativity is contagious: pass it on.”

– Albert Einstein

Key Stage 3 students at Q will be shown how to develop their creativity and ideas, and increase skills and understanding of media and processes. They will be encouraged develop a critical understanding of artists and designers work and ideas, expressing reasoned judgements that will then inform their own artwork and outcomes.

Our students will:

  • use a range of techniques to record their observations in their sketchbooks and other media, as a basis for exploring their ideas
  • use a range of techniques and media
    increase their proficiency in the handling of different materials
  • analyse and evaluate their own work, and that of others, in order to strengthen the visual impact or applications of their work
    learn about the history of art, craft, design and architecture, including periods, styles and major movements from ancient times up to the present day.

Years 7 and 8

All students in Years 7 and 8 study Art for an hour each week. The projects our Art staff create are inspired by their own visits to exhibitions. Projects are well paced, and staff respond to the individual needs of students, supporting and challenging as appropriate. Our topics cover the specific formal elements and drawing techniques.

Year 7 students start the course learning about and analysing the work of Yayoyi Kusama, exploring the formal elements and ideas embedded within her work. From delicate butterfly wings, to pebbles, pumpkins and even the galaxy, students explore the visual elements in an array of media. Sketching from observation in their sketchbooks, developing and are refined their skills and ideas into outcomes such as 3D pieces in clay, individual canvases and print.

Year 8 students investigate the themes and techniques of artists David Hockey and Stephen Wiltshire. Hockney enables students to explore the natural world, the landscape and especially trees are their focus, creating texture, tone and 3D space simultaneously in media such as pencil, pen and charcoal. The project develops into colour theory, mixing a range of vibrant colours in watercolour, developing a final piece as a print. Stephen Wiltshire’s intricate drawings of urban architecture encouraged students to observe with precision the proportions and details of familiar landmarks from both locally and abroad.

As students move into Year 9 they will be offered the option to study Art & Design as a pre-GCSE.

Year 9

Art & Design in Year 9 is a popular option subject. Students are prepared for GCSE but it’s fun too! Students who choose Art in Year 9 have two hours of lessons each week. They learn how to research and investigate artists’ work and explore a range of skills, materials and techniques.

Current projects explore ‘Food, Food, Glorious Food’ in a range of media, from fruit and veg, to condiments, chocolates and cup cakes. There are a series of observational drawing tasks, which encourage the students to use pencil, charcoal, biro and coloured pencils to explore the formal elements, as they develop their drawing skills.

Throughout the course, the students look at the work of artists such as Edward Weston, Peter Anton, Nancy Standlee and Sarah Graham, to inspire ideas and document their thoughts, experiments and designs in sketchbooks. They work across a range of disciplines such as collage, lino printing, clay, acrylic and watercolour painting.

We encourage the students to use their imagination, take risks, be experimental and enjoy the opportunity to develop their skills ready for GCSE Art.