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History is a popular subject at Queenswood. The department aims to encourage the girls’ curiosity about the past and to emphasise the relevance of the subject for understanding more about ourselves and the world in which we live.

A rich and stimulating curriculum is supported by many opportunities for study beyond the classroom. In Years 7–9 girls visit Rochester Cathedral and Castle, Hampton Court Palace and Duxford Air Museum. In Year 10, girls visit exhibitions at the British Library and the Imperial War Museum. A trip to Washington DC is offered to girls in Year 11 and above to enrich their examination courses and trips to the WW1 battlefields are planned throughout the centenary commemorations.

The Edexcel IGCSE in Modern World History enables a broad understanding to be gained of the twentieth century, with a particular focus on revolution and dictatorship in the USSR and the American Civil Rights movement. We offer the AQA A-Level course in the Sixth Form. Girls regularly go on to study History at university after leaving, and we encourage and assist girls in entering essay competitions.