Below you will find the slideshow resource used by Miss Sadler, Head of PSHCEE, in her talk on RSE on 9 October 2024. 

Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education (PSHCEE) reflects the School’s ethos and underpins the development of pupils into healthy, independent, informed, responsible and caring members of society. Queenswood is committed to delivering a programme of PSHCEE to every pupil, encouraging them to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the School, as well as to the wider community, whilst developing their sense of personal worth and their ability to deal with the challenges they will face as they enter adulthood.

Schemes of work

Parents are invited to join their daughters’ PSHCEE Google Classrooms, where they will be able to view all lesson materials, including those relating to RSHE (Relationship, Sex and Health Education).

Education Secretary’s letter to parents: You have the right to see RSHE lesson material