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This Week I am Reading… 7H Share the Books They are Enjoying

Friday 26 February 2021

At Queenswood, we love to read! Whilst we have to wait a short while longer before we can use our wonderful library and explore the wider world again, the Year 7 girls have been enjoying exciting literary adventures from the comfort of home. Reading gives us a place to go when home is where we have to stay! Here are some of the books that Year 7 Hartley are reading for fun. 7 North will share their reviews later this half-term.

Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia) - C.S.Lewis

This story is about a great battle to regain control of the land of Narnia, this time the Telmarines are involved which is good. . .I think this book is amazing, I'm still reading though. I would also suggest the first book: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I would strongly recommend this book to everyone who loves a good fantasy tale.

By Adrienne 7H

Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer

This book is about Artemis Fowl who is a child genius and who lost his father while he was on a cruise with all his money. Now Artimus has found out about a secret fairy Coline and is holding Holly the fairy for ransom to restore the family fortune. All while dealing with his insane mother who still believes her husband is alive and trying to track down his assumed dead father!

By Sophie 7H

Hacker  - Malorie Blackman

I have been reading Hacker, which is a book about a girl named Victoria whose Dad was accused of stealing 1 million pounds….but Victoria knows that someone was framing him. Victoria(Vicky for short) hacks into the system with her brother Gib and finds out who actually stole the money. They could get in more trouble than their dad though….I loved this book because it was exciting and tense! I would really recommend it as it is a nice read, not too hard, not too easy.

By Melania 7H

The Wind Singer - William Nicholson

A really good dark fantasy book that I would really recommend. It's about a girl who gets sent on a sort of quest, almost by accident. Her, her twin brother and this boy in her class that really admires her but who she doesn’t like, go out of their city on this quest. I really liked it as it's a dark fantasy genre and a genre I really like.

By Meredith 7H

The Ikabog - J.K.Rowling

Good for people who like monsters and magic. By the author of Harry Potter, it is about two teenagers and their two best friends. Daisy lives in Shoevill until her mother's death and father's imprisonment, when she gets sent to an orphanage. Burt's father, part of the royal guard, is killed mysteriously by the Ikabog. When Burts mother learns the truth and is imprisoned, Burt goes on a journey and comes across his long lost friend Daisy. Burt, Daisy, Rodrick and Martha go on a quest to find the Ikabog and uncover the secret of how Burt's father died.

By Grace 7H

Snow Foal - Susanna Bailey

This is about a girl called Addie whose mother is very sick and can't look after her. Addie is taken into foster care and moves from the big city to her foster parents' home in the countryside. When she gets there she is quite down but the parents are so welcoming and so is the rest of the family but Addie is very unhappy, especially at her new school. One day her foster brother Gabe needs help with a foal stuck in the deep snow and her life begins to change...  I really love this book because I love animals and the book just gets stuck in your head. You can't stop reading because it's so entertaining and the content is just fantastically written. I really recommend this fabulous book!

By Katie 7H