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This Week I Am Reading… Julie Vine, Examinations Officer

Thursday 23 September 2021

Mrs Vine is Examinations Officer at Queenswood, working with staff and pupils to make sure that all exams run smoothly and are as stress free as possible for everyone involved.  She supervises the Queenswood entrance exams, all public examinations and the Oxbridge admissions exams for our Sixth Form pupils.

In her spare time, Mrs Vine enjoys yoga and reading and is looking forward to buying an electric bike soon. We may see her whizzing by on her way to the exam hall!

Breath by James Nestor.

I am currently reading Breath by James Nestor. Recommended by my yoga teacher, this book is about the lost art of breathing correctly.

Purporting that as a species we have lost the ability to breathe correctly, Nestor's revelatory account explores how changing the way we breathe can profoundly benefit our health and wellbeing.

In the book he travels the world to figure out what went wrong, drawing on ancient breathing techniques and modern research in this enlightening read. 

You will never breathe the same again!

One of the great pleasures of working at Q is when our Librarian plonks a book on my desk and says “read this, I think you’ll enjoy it”. So along with recommending a book, I would recommend that you go and see our wonderful Librarian, Mrs Truran, and ask if she has anything to suggest, I promise you, it will be worth it.