QSS Crash Course Booking Form

  • Easter 2025 Crash Course

    • Monday 14 – Thursday 17 April 2025 inc
    • 10:00 – 12:00 (30 minute classes)
    • 4 Days @ £50.00 per Child
    • Age: four years to teenage. Classes to suit all swimming abilities.

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • For example: is the child able/not able to swim without flotation aid? How far they are able to swim without flotation aid? Can they swim all strokes?
  • £50.00 per child (4 day course)
    • HSBC
    • Queenswood Enterprises Ltd
    • Sort code: 40-02-06
    • Acc no: 01075179
    • Use the swimmer’s 1st initial and surname as reference (e.g. J SMITH)
  • Terms of booking for Queenswood Swim School

    1. Bookings are on a first come first served basis. All courses are subject to bookings received.
    2. Once a booking has been confirmed. No refunds can be offered, transfers to a different time during the same week are subject to availability. Unfortunately missed lessons cannot be refunded or made up.
    3. On the rare occasion QSS have to cancel any lessons due to unforeseen circumstances QSS will offer a credit.
    4. Places can only be confirmed once, a completed booking form and payment in full has been received.
    5. All lessons are minutes in duration.
    6. All classes have a 1:7 teacher pupil ratio.
    7. Changing rooms: Our policy is that the sex of the changing room used when a child needs help getting changed should be the same sex as the parent/guardian that is helping. Over 8yrs of age should be able to change by themselves and use the changing room for their gender.
    8. Parents/Children should not enter poolside until the duty Lifeguard is present and no more than 5 minutes prior to the start of your lesson.
    9. Parents are only permitted on poolside at the start of the lesson to drop off and at the end of the lesson to collect. During the lessons all parents are to watch from the viewing gallery.
    10. Parents who wish to discuss progress with their child’s teacher are welcome to leave their name and number at the reception desk and the teacher will contact them after the lessons have finished.
    11. Children must be supervised at all times whilst on Queenswood premises and the parents must remain within building or car park for the duration of their child’s lesson.
    12. No one is permitted to take any photos or videos anywhere in the building.
    13. Swimming Hats must be worn by all bathers.
    14. No outdoor shoes/flip flops to be worn in the changing rooms or on poolside. These must be removed and left in the rack provided in the foyer area.
    15. ASA or STA Qualified instructors teach all abilities.